Thursday, April 21, 2011

Time to play catch up...

So, since I wrote last I've been to Rabat (the capital of Morocco), Casablanca, Marrakesh, Essouira, El Walidaya, El Jadida and all the places in between. For spring break we rented cars in Fez and gave ourselves a grand tour of the mid-coastal portion of Morocco! I know after writing that cary post about the driving habits of Moroccans it might not have been the smartest idea for seven American kids to make their way through Morocco via car, but it was amazing!! I even ended up driving a portion of the way there between Fez and Casablanca and Marrakesh. Never thought my longest experience driving a manual shift car would be in Morocco...hah. We ran into more problems in the beginning than I care to remember one of them being almost losing my bag containing my passport, cash and camera...but everything worked out so perfectly in the end that it doesn't really matter! I hope to add more pictures later, but my camera died on the trip so I have to get them from other the meantime, here are some other random pictures and maybe some more spring break stories, but i have a lot of homework to finish before class, so we'll see...

AMAZING view from the rooftop of the boys's Riad in the Medina. Definitely one of my favorite places in the world.

 Kitties!!! Stray cats rule this city. But these two are cute:)

Big yawn!

 Kadie's birthday party for which we all bought Moroccan dresses!!

 Busy marketplace in the middle of Casablanca.

 FINALLY after 5 failures we got a jumping picture into the pool at our hotel in Marrakesh!

Okay, homework...I'll write more soon!!