Thursday, February 24, 2011

The first days!

So it is my second day here in Fes! We arrived at about one o'clock yesterday morning. We took a seven mile walking tour of the streets of the old Medina, through some of the skinniest paths i've been down (claustrophobia kicked in a little bit...) We saw the largest tannery in Fes, tried on scarves and listened to very small children sing very loud songs at school:) It is beautiful here!!!

I met my host family after the city tour last night. They are wonderful! My father is a teacher of theology and biology and my mother makes the best cahua wa halib ( coffee and milk) My brother is very nice, but would much rather speak in french than arabic:)

Arabic word of the Day: helwa (حلو)=sweet
Everyone in morocco likes sweets. Everything is very sweet or they add sugar to it:)

I woke up to the morning prayer at sunrise this morning for the first time and it was beautiful!

Gotta run to class!

ma salaama!

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