Saturday, February 19, 2011

oh wait...I'm leaving tomorrow?!

Hello everyone! Welcome to my blog. I hope to post pictures, stories and everything about my life for the next three months in Morocco here, so enjoy!!

People have been asking me for the past month or so whether I've begun packing. The answer was no...not really. But now, it's the day before I fly out and the answer really should be yes. I have my clothes packed, making a final run to the store for allergy medicine and Nyquil in the morning, and hoping that the imminent winter storm won't delay my flights too long:)

As you'll find from future posts, I love food. Probably more than is socially acceptable. I usually plan my day around the meals and snacks. Therefore, it is only right that I first tell you about my last dinner here in Minnesota. Steak and Potatoes. My dad's specialty and one of my favorite comfort foods of all time. It was wonderful.

Tomorrow I will begin my journey from the Minneapolis airport at 2:30PM, in sha allah. Next stop: O'Hare, from there a lengthy flight to Brussels, Belgium; after a 4.5 hour wait a final flight to Casablanca, Morocco and then a four hour drive to my new home of Fez!!

I will start classes at the Arabic Language Institute of Fes (ALIF) on the 23rd, but will start learning the Moroccan dialect (a mix of Arabic, French and Berber) the day I arrive! For the first two nights all the students will be in a hotel together and the third day we meet our host families and go home with them! I brought them girl scout cookies and some classy Minnesota post cards as gifts. I am really excited to be living with a family for the language experience and the local know-how for the city of Fes. I will be living in the Old Medina, only a little worried about getting myself lost in the winding, surprise dead-end streets, but I'm sure I'll figure it out:)

Okay, I'm sure I'll have lots to say later, but for now I need some sleep!!

Ma salama!


  1. KELLEN!!! THIS IS SO EXCITING!!!! Although it's spelled differently, it's kind of inappropriately funny that you are living in 'Fes" for the next three months... hehehe. Anyhow, HAVE FUN LADY! Safe flights!

  2. Great to hear from you, Kellen. Seven mile walk - wow - that was probably good for you after all the time lag waiting for flights. You want action, doing things, and learning so now you are into your new life. I think of you a lot and feel it will be one of the best experiences of your life especially because you put so much energy, intellect into the "moment". Your Mom (I hope - I e-mailed her this A.M.) and I are going to look at computers at Best Buy tomorrow (Sat.) as both my computer and printer are near their life's end. Not like Watson who will continue to grow in skills. I don't like this picture of me. Will try to put my other one in. Love you, Grandma
