Friday, February 25, 2011

Lessons from the passenger seat in a Morrocan taxi...

Ahlan ya shabaab! (hello young people!) (all you old people can be included too, haha)

So before yesterday I thought being the passenger as my dad sped through the streets of St. Paul was frightening. Today, i know better:). Here in Fes, lines for lanes of traffic are painted on the streets, but are almost never obeyed. Taxis, bikers, pedestrians, mopeds, cars, buses, trucks, everyone weaves among each other on the eternally crowded streets. It's like a terrifying ballet where half the dancers are line backers and the melody is made up of yelling, honking, and me singing happy, carefree tunes in my head...haha. The key is to remember that they have been driving in these conditions for years and I have yet to see a crash. I guess that's pretty pacifying. If that ceases to keep you sane...this probably isn't the place for you:)

Also, here are PICTURES!!!!!
#1 the courtyard outside my school building! Beautiful. Also some of my beautiful friends, Parsa, Amberine, Dane's head, and Eric.

#2 The central garden at the study building near my new home! And the director of our program here in Fes, Abdullatif.

#3 More of the study garden.

#4 The gate to the Old Medina.

#5 SHOES! I really just love how colorful everything was in the marketplace in the Medina. And for those of you who have watched travel shows with me where people eat food, the jars on the left are filled with meat preserved in lard!

#6 A gorgeous 'madersa' (school) and mosque with a tower where they call for the five daily prayers. They are ubiquitous it the old medina.

#7 Pretty lamps and things:)

#8 The largest tannery and dyery (is that a word??? haha. place where they dye clothes) 

#9 A look at the old medina past the tannery

#10 Yup, this is where i live now:)

#11 Beautiful view of the Medina. oh, and me:)

#12 okay, tell me this doesn't look like a picture in a cooking magazine! haha! I love it:)

#13 The view from my bedroom window!

#14 the 'sandali' my ummee-'mom' in moroccan:) -gave me to wear around the house! 

I suppose that's it for now! We're traveling to volubilis tomorrow morning (see picture in earlier post!)

مع حُبّ (with love)

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