Tuesday, March 15, 2011

One Short Day in the Azure City!

Last weekend we took a lovely trip to Chefchaoen! Although I spent less than 24 hours in the city, it was wonderful! It was much more relaxing and low key than busy Fés. Because of this lifestyle, it took us an average of three hours to get food at restaurants and the people of the town could argue over 10 dirhams (a little over a dollar) for hours on end, haha. 

A beautiful painting by the restaurant we ate at for lunch. 

View from the tower of Al-Kasaba.

Just an average street...

View from the Spanish Mosque on the mountain.

Me, Robert, Eric, Dane, and Bruce=great hiking group

Gotta run to class!!!!!


  1. Love the pics! Thanks so much!

  2. I like that you wore a blue scarf to match the blue city. Also, I really hope the title is a reference to Wicked (if not, that's how I took it, haha).
