Tuesday, March 8, 2011

So as i woke up at sunrise this morning to the call to morning prayer I decided it would be good to give you all an overview of Islam as 99.9% of the inhabitants of Morocco are Muslim! The core practices of Islam are based on five pillars...which we have reviewed about five times since I've arrived here in Fés, haha!

1. Shahada=the profession of the faith with the phrase: La ilaha illa Allah wa-Muhammad rasul Allah. Which translates to There is no god but God and Muhammad is the prophet of God.

2. Salat=Prayer. There are five calls to prayer every day: Dawn, Midday, middle of the afternoon, night fall and two hours after sunset.

3. Zakat=Almsgiving. Muslims give 2.5% of their savings to those poorer than them.

4. Sawm=Fasting during the month of Ramadan

5. Hajj=Making the pilgrimage to Mecca once in your life if you have the means to do so.

So yeah! There's a lot more to the religion that I am becoming more familiar with every day, but that's a good start. Hearing the call to prayer at sunrise is more comforting and beautiful than I expected any extended period of loud noise to be that early in the morning:)   

Also, Happy Pancake Day and Happy Women Appreciation Day!!!!  

1 comment:

  1. Kellen,
    I cannot express how much I love reading your blog! Keep on keeping on!
    Mary Benson
