Sunday, March 27, 2011

The Sahara!!!

The trip into the Sahara was amazing! Unfortunately I haven't had much time in between classes and traveling to blog as much as I would like to, but here are some pictures until I have more time!!
There are pictures of me on an actual camel on facebook but I haven't figured out how to upload them here because they were taken on a friend's camera. 

Yes, that is snow. NEVER expected to see snow on the way to the Sahara...

 Translation= God, Country, King

 Shadow of me on my first camel. I named her Fredericka Georgette. We didn't click as well as my second camel Aisha:)

Ciao for now!!


  1. AH! Those pictures are incredible, especially with the low light on the desert. It just seems incomprehensibly huge... like it goes on forever and won't end.

  2. Great pictures! Thanks for sharing! I do miss your excellent blogs, though!
